Patch Tuesday

6b423c0d187e32b8Just a reminder!!!!  Today, 5/12/09 is “Patch Tuesday”.  The second Tuesday of every month is the day when the monthly security and software updates become available for your Windows machine.  It is critical that these updates are done each and every month.  The Conficker worm is a prime example of how important these updates are.  If all Windows machines had been updated in October, the Conficker worm would probably not have propagated so efficiently.  Anyway, you should have Automatic Updates turned on, on your machine, so that all critical updates are automatically downloaded and installed on your machine.  It is recommended that you turn the “Automatic Updates” on as there are times when “Out of Sequence” updates occur mid-way through the month, and if you do not have them turned on and do not manually check weekly, you will miss the critical update, and by the time you manually get them, it may be too late. But, it you don’t have “Automatic Updates” turned on (or are not sure whether you do or not), then you must go to Microsoft’s website and download them manually.  To get your updates manually, click HERE. Note that this link will not work unless you are using Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. Other browsers like Firefox, Safari, or Opera will not load the page.

If you want to get more information regarding Windows updates such as: What they are? or How do I configure my machine to receive them automatically?, click on one of the following links to get information specific to your machine.

For more Update information for Windows XP, click HERE……

For more Update information for Windows Vista, click HERE…….

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