Wicked Cool Site #15

mystery_google_cropGoogle has been known to do some things in the past that are just plain different, and, although Google -like, this site is not actually from Google however, this site is certainly one for the books.  A new search that, uhm….., well…. doesn’t work at all.  If you put in a search term, your results will not even be remotely close to a match.  What you get is the result of the previous search query that was done at Google.  It is interesting to see what other people are searching for (OK, for about 5 minutes anyway).  But let’s not say that the creator doesn’t have a geek-like sense of humor. Do a search for “What is Mystery Google” and see the result that you get. I must say that it did bring the 17 facial muscles, needed to smile, to life on my face. I don’t really see the point to this search tool, but it will give you a few minutes of pleasure.   Anyway this is my pick for a “Wicked Cool Site” or maybe it should be titled a “Wicked Weird Site”.

Google must have said something as this site is now titled “Mystery Seeker”

Check out Mystery Google (Seeker) HERE…..


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