Save The Internet!!!!

thumbnailA little over a month ago, I posted regarding the FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski‘s speach regarding Net Neutrality and how it could be a positive thing for the end user, namely us.  You can view my post HERE.  Well this speech obviously has raised a few hairs as the internet providers (cable companies, cell providers, etc.) are now scrambling to squash the Internet Freedom Act of 2009 (H.R. 3458).  What is at stake here?  Well the ISP’s think that they should be able to regulate what content is available based on the amount of money that you are willing to pay.  Meaning that they want different tiers of services based on what you want to do……if you like to game, then you will need a gaming package, download a lot of video, then you will need the video package…… to do both, you will need to purchase both packages.  If the ISP’s get their way, it would also enable them to block a competitors services, which could take us back to the dark ages of the internet.  Remember when you could not text a message from a Verizon phone to an AT&T phone, well if the bill is shot down, it could very well revert back to those days.  The bottom line is that the internet should be open.  As long as all is legal, you should not have any limitations as to what you can do, based on restrictions from any ISP.  I really do not believe that this is what Timothy Berners-Lee had in mind when he invented the World Wide Web.

OK, so what can I do?  There is a lot that can be done. Notify your politician that you support H.R. 3458.  Well, that is easier said than done.  How do I do that?  All you need to do is go to Save The Internet Dot Com (there is link below) to support the proposition by adding your name and message.  There is also a ton of information regarding this bill on the site.

To go to… HERE

To download a copy of H.R. 3458….press H.R.3458 (click on the link from The Edible Earth page to download the .pdf)

To go to the petition page….press HERE

This is an important issue regarding the end user’s rights regarding the internet.  I really do not want to have my use of the internet dictated to me based on how much I am willing (or able) to pay.

What are your thoughts regarding Net Neutrality? (Leave a comment)

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