Wicked Cool Site #18

Regardless of what your personal views are regarding the war in Afghanistan, information is crucial in allowing you to make the most informative judgment that you can. Documentaries, and news broadcasts are really the only information that is available to us. However, these means of getting the important information can be biased. For instance, boring stories are not covered by the news stations. What is broadcast can be swayed by what stories are going to provide good ratings. This makes sense, after all Fox News, CNN as well as published news media from newspapers and magazines, like the New York Times, the Washington Post, Time Magazine, etc. are all businesses and as such, are in it to make money. Ratings are paramount to getting the valuable advertising that sustains these businesses. So where can you get valuable and unbiased information regarding this subject? That is where this Wicked Cool Site comes into play.

’30 Days Through Afghanistan’ is a site which will travel through the country showing different views each day. A new video will be shown every day showing a different perspective regarding the imperiled country. 30 Days Through Afghanistan is currently on Day 5, and has 23 days to go. There is a counter on the site showing how much time is left until this journey comes to an end. But don’t worry that you have missed the first 5 showings, as there is a video log, which they call a VLOG, in which you can go back and see previous videos. There are also Bios of the people that are in the videos, a blog, in which you can make comments. It is truly a fascinating and informative site.

Check out 30 Days Through Afghanistan by clicking HERE……

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