Archive for Banking

Skimming for Dollars

Posted in Computers, Security, Tech News with tags , , , , , on July 4, 2010 by The Edible Earth

A new and very dangerous method of getting your money has been devised by hackers. Known as ‘ATM Skimming’, hackers have produced a very small ‘skimming device’ which is inserted into the slot of an ATM machine in which you swipe your card. The device is designed to record all of your banking information off of the magnetic strip on your card. A very thin clear, plastic sheeting, which is capable of copying your Personal Indentification Number (PIN), is also being placed over the keypad so that these thieves now have complete access to your bank account.

The scary thing about this is that you will never even know that your banking information was just stolen. Everything will look perfectly normal to you. What’s even worse, is that technology has been developed so that this information can be sent via wi-fi or over the internet. This makes it possible for the crooks to steal the information without ever having to revisit the ATM machine. They could be in a Starbucks down the street or on the other side of the planet and be gathering you personal banking information.

Now, on the plus side, is that the financial institutions are aware of this scam, and are constantly monitoring their ATM’s. Video surveillance at ATM’s is also a somewhat efficient deterent, however these hacks are becoming more and more prevelent. Care should be especially taken when using an ATM at a convenience store, grocery store or any other location that is not a bank and are therfore less likely to be monitored as closely as an ATM at a bank.

The only real defense that you have is to be aware of this, and to constantly monitor your bank account, especially after making a transaction at an ATM. Any fraudulent activity on your account should be reported to the authorities and your financial institution as soon as they are discovered.