Archive for History

The Diary of Anne Frank

Posted in All Posts, News, Wicked Cool Sites with tags , , on June 12, 2010 by The Edible Earth

Today is the birthday of Anne Frank. Born on June 12, 1929 in Germany. Anne Frank lived most of her life in Amsterdam, Netherlands. A German by birth, she lost her German status due to anti-Semitic Nazi attitudes. After the 1940 Nazi invasion of the Netherlands, the Frank family were forced into hiding due to increasing violence against the Jewish populations in 1942. After two years in hiding, they were betrayed and Anne Frank and her sister Margot were moved to concentration camps where they both eventually died, of typhus, in March of 1945. Anne Frank was 15.

But Anne Frank’s legacy is her writing abilities. During her hiding, she kept a detailed diary of her life. After the end of WWII, her father Otto announced that the diary had been saved, and released it for publication. Due to the great detail, the diary has been published in book form, made into Hollywood movies and has even been the basis behind many stage plays.

As a tribute to Anne Frank, the following 3-D, interactive website was created. It provides detailed biographies of the people involved, as well as descriptions of the office building in which the family hid. But the most intriguing aspect of this site, is the interactive interface with the warehouse. You can take a virtual walk through the building room by room exploring all the “nooks and crannies”. The rooms were restored to appear the way they did back when Anne Frank was in hiding.

The Diary of Anne Frank