Archive for Language

Something Else From Google…

Posted in All Posts, Computers, Helpful Hints with tags , , , on August 25, 2009 by The Edible Earth

thumbnailGoogle is so much more than just search.  They offer so much for free, such as Sketchup, Gmail, Docs, Conversions, and here is another really useful service from Google that is really, well…….Useful!!!  It is called Google Translate and will take any text that you type into it and translate into, well let’s just say, any language that you would possibly want.  But the really neat thing about this tool is that you can translate entire documents or web pages from a foreign language to English or vice-a-versa.  Just upload the document and select the language that you want it translated too and Google will do it for you.  Now remember that this is an algorithm so some of the translation may be a little, well for lack of a better term, weird, but you will get the meaning of the article.  This can be so handy when visiting a foreign country and need to learn simple phrases, as well as translating full articles.  Check it out HERE!!!!