Archive for Trojan Horse

Firefox Browser Add-ons Contain Malicious Software

Posted in All Posts, Computers, News, Security, Tech News with tags , , , , on February 8, 2010 by The Edible Earth

Mozilla’s popular web browser, Firefox, has recently been found to contain two experimental add-ons that contain Trojan Horses. Once installed on a computer, these trojans will run, thus infecting the computer. The two add-ons that were installing the malicious code were known as the Sothink Web Video Downloader, version 4.0, and all versions of the MasterFiler add-on. Mozilla has said that these two add-ons have been removed, however removing the add-on will not get rid of the trojan horses that are already running on infected computers. Mozilla recommends that any users who have installed either of these two add-ons should immediately remove them and scan their computer with anti-virus software.

The Sothink Web Video Downloader contained the trojan horse known as:


The Master Filer contained the trojan horse known as:


More information from the Mozilla Firefox BLOG.

This is a Windows only infection. Mac OSX and Linux operating systems were not affected.